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I'm New

What to expect... 


Arriving: There is nothing required to attend.  You do not need to believe in God or Jesus to attend.  There is no dress code. The worship service begins on Sundays at 11:07am. Coffee and light refreshments are available from 10-11am.  Just show up as you feel comfortable. Everyone is welcome. Bathrooms are located just inside the side entrance or to the right side of the worship center.  Coffee and refreshments are located in the back, on the left side of the worship center.  Both entrances are handicap accessible.  Handicap parking spaces are located by the main entrance on a first come first serve basis. The main entrance is a covered porch with double doors and has a ramp to the right of the door. The main entrance is on the west side of the building The side entrance is a single door at ground level. The side entrance is on the sound side of the building.


Parking: Parking is available on the street or in all fenced in areas surrounding the church.  We do not have painted parking spaces so just be mindful of how you park, making sure you have room to exit and so do the cars around you. (If you are arriving after 11:07am, service has begun, Born Church asks that you quietly use the side entrance.)    


Service: The worship service begins after a 5 minute countdown on Sundays at 11:07am. In that countdown time Born Church asks that you find a seat, silence your phones and other devices in respect for the service. You can sit on the main floor or if you wish there is additional seating upstairs in the balcony.  You are welcome to bring your drinks and food with you to your seat. There are three main components of the service; music, prayer, and a spoken message also called a sermon.  Our service is more contemporary; meaning we mostly use songs that are newer, we use colored stage lights, and utilize screens.  We do on occasion use older songs/hymns and recite written word.  If you would like to watch some examples of our service you can find us on YouTube.

*Music: During a typical Sunday we sing three to four songs.  You may often see people clapping, dancing, or raising their arms.  These and other acts of worship are welcome at Born church but not required. 

*Prayer: Each Sunday we offer a time of sharing.  Anyone is welcome to share their needs and concerns as well as joys or praises.  These "joys and concerns" are then offered to God in prayer; a quiet time of talking to God led by the Pastor.

*Message: The Pastor will share a message of about 20-30 minuets. They will share passages from the Bible, stores, and other devices to teach us how to live as Christians.  Everyone is a learner at Born Church and all stages of the knowledge of faith are welcome.


Occasional Parts of the Service:  

*Communion: This takes place once a month at Born, usually on the first Sunday of the month and is optional.  Our Communion is open for all believers in Christ. In its simplest terms, communion is a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with His death on the cross.  This sacrificial act of Jesus gives the gift of salvation to all who believe.  During Communion we take a little piece and bread and little cup of grape juice and consume them.  These become for us the body and blood of Jesus Christ. We know that this is usually a strange concept for people new to Christianity and so we are happy to share with you more about this tradition and its origins.  We do want you to fully understand what Communion is before you participate. If you have any questions or wish to participate in communion but never have, please reach out to our lead pastor or use our contact page and we can direct you.

*Baptism: The first step in becoming a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.  Once you accept Jesus we want to know about it and celebrate with you!  Part of the celebration is baptism; an outward sign of an inward decision to follow Christ.  We usually baptize through submersion; meaning you are fully under water.  The water represents a cleansing of sin and rebirth as a new follower of Christ. It is a beginning of a life long learning journey.    

*Laying of Hands: Occasionally we have a serious need or circumstance that happens in the life of a member of the Church.  Once we are made aware of the need, and feel lead by the Holy Spirit, we will ask the person if they would like hands to be laid on them.  This is a way we comfort them, make them feel loved and appreciated but more importantly we show that we are interceding (praying for them).


Giving: Giving is a very important part of the Christian faith.  Born Church does not have an offering time during the service, instead you will see a slot in the back counter with a sign that says Tithes and Offerings.  This is where you will place money if you choose to give to Born Church.  There is no obligation to give.  The money is used in several ways; including, but not limited to building expenses and upkeep, staff salaries, and ministry expenses.         


Kids and Youth: The Nursery is available for kids age 1-4.  We encourage you to drop your kids (age 1-4) off before the service starts.  The nursery is located behind the main stage to the right.  A nursery worker will be available and can answer any questions you have at that time. If you wish children are more than welcome to also stay in the main worship service with you. Should you need a changing table, or a place to rock your child, you may go into the nursery with them.  Children age 5-12 may exit the worship service at the start of the countdown. They exit through a door at the front left side of the worship center.  Children are also welcome to stay in the service if they wish. Youth age 12-18 are encouraged to stay in the service although they may go with the children if they wish.  We also have programing on Thursdays for kids age 5-18.  Please visit our after school page for more information.


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